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Please visit the American Museum of Science and Energy when you're visiting East Tennessee.

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Oct 30, 2023

As President of the East Tennessee Economic Counsel (ETEC) Tracy works to create economic growth by engaging business and public policy leaders towards opportunities created by our region’s federal assets while enriching public and private investments. 

Oct 26, 2023

Working to advance fusion science and engineering Rick Lee works at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility operated by General Atomics for the Dept. of Energy. Sharing a passion for fusion Rick leads several outreach teams for...

Oct 20, 2023

As Deputy for Laboratory Operations Dr. Alan Icenhour until recently retiring coordinated overall operations and support functions at ORNL: facilities operations; environment, safety, and health; business operations; security; human resources; communications; and technology transfer.

Oct 19, 2023

Morgan Giuggio is a Nuclear Engineer at Radiant Nuclear - responsible for shielding design and implementation for the portable micro modular reactor, Kaleidos. Morgan primarily utilizes serpent, mcnp, and Attila4MC to conduct the necessary analyses, and inform her design decisions. Additionally, Morgan educates...

Oct 19, 2023

In this episode of the AMSE's Science Report we speak with Dr. Karen Lloyd, an associate professor of microbiology and head of the Lloyd Lab at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville about her research into the very smaller of organisms in our planet's subsurface.